Tuesday, July 5, 2011

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  • indianabacklog
    01-27 08:53 PM
    btw, since we have some engaged brits it worth the money to take the chunnel between paris and london? anyone done it? what's the best way to find cheap flights in europe? local insight would be much appreciated!!
    as you can see i'm looking forward to london again ;)[/QUOTE]

    The chunnel is a great way to travel to Paris, much more door to door than flying and nearly as quick if you count the waiting around in the airport.

    The only way to get cheap flights in Europe is to use one of the cheap charter companies, such as Easy Jet, BMI Baby, Ryanair etc. There are more. There is a website that I use to use called cheapflights? If you go to Yahoo UK and search for cheap flights lots of options will appear. I am pleased you enjoyed your stay in London. I like the city, but to visit, just like New York.

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  • pro
    10-01 01:40 PM
    service center is Nebraska.
    Infact my 485 got denied in August 2009 and in september 2009 filed MTR,which got approved on 22 sep 2009 and today we got 485 approval emails.

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  • arnab221
    09-29 02:44 PM
    Based on the mammoth number crunching can someone some guru please post a month by month priority date prediction for the time till EB2 becomes current ?

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  • chanduv23
    01-10 01:19 PM
    IV has not done anything that could have a negative impact on your green card processing. IV is striving hard to change your lives.

    Shame on those who are scared or pessimistic. All you people do is to gaze at the sky and wait for the stars to fall.

    If you are so scared - how will u raise your children? What will u teach them? Cowardice? Will U teach them to run away from issues? Will u teach them how to not cooperate?


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  • pal351
    08-27 12:51 PM

    I know you are trying to promote vonage, but not addressing the issues in terms of cancellation.

    One more thing is that the taxes on the service, which is really killing part, for new yorkers, have to pay almsot 9 dollars in taxes, which is 35% of the monthly bill (24.99), it's too much when we compare with other VOIP services....

    State/Local Taxes and Fees $3.44
    FUSF (VoIP) $2.41
    Regulatory and Compliance Fee $1.49
    Emergency 911 Service Fee $1.49

    Hope vonage will come up with some thing better than this, aslo there is 5000 minutes restriction on outgoing, it doesnt matter whether you called local or international, every minute counts.....guys beware of that limit, I know 5K is lot many minutes, but still you have to monitor, if it exceeds, the account will be changed to Business and have to pay more monthly.....

    Also it would be great if you guys can come up with a feature that calling from cell phone by using vonage account.....with this option, more customers can sign up, offcourse customer service has to imrpove lot....

    I called Vonage Customer service , If you signup Vonage World there is no 5k Min. limit. Its unlimited. Guys please don't post the wrong info.

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  • gc_on_demand
    09-16 11:33 AM cliclk on hearing related to FBI


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  • HV000
    08-06 08:49 AM
    As a result the applicants will be denied EAD and H1B extensions, rather than
    fixing the lengthy name check issues.

    Why would you say EAD and H1B will be denied??

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  • desi3933
    01-30 06:23 AM
    Another thought... they might have been confused with EAD through L1/B1 etc dependent and EAD through pending AOS. The first case is temporary and depends on the primary applicant status. See if thats their concern and clarify...
    Good luck!!!


    It does not matter. EAD is unrestricted employment authorization and has no conditions attached due to basis it was issued. Of course, EAD can be revoked due to basis no longer available (such as expiration of L2 Status), but person can work as long as EAD is valid.

    Form I-9 Employment Verification - Form I-9 Services from Form I-9 Compliance, LLC (

    [From the link]
    Q. Can I avoid reverifying the I-9s by not hiring persons whose employment authorization has an expiration date?

    A. You cannot refuse to hire persons solely because their employment authorization is temporary. The existence of a future expiration date does not preclude continuous employment authorization for an employee and does not mean that subsequent employment authorization will not be granted. In addition, consideration of a future employment authorization expiration date in determining whether an alien is qualified for a particular job could be an unfair immigration-related employment practice.

    US citizen of Indian origin
    Not a legal advice


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  • iv_only_hope
    01-14 09:40 PM
    EB3 ROW is also affected greatly. I am sure they would also be involved in this.

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  • rubaru
    10-15 04:42 PM
    Yes ndialani,i waited for 6 month which i did because i don't know I140 premium started from June 2009(For most the cases).They started in Feb 2009 but its applicable to some limited cases).

    May be i would have moved it to premium if i knew in June.Some of the options which i would have tried during that 6 months period was InfoPass,Senator,Ombudsman etc but wasn't very serious about 140 as i thought it may take some years for gc(since the dates very moving very slowly at that time).



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  • letstalklc
    09-04 04:10 PM
    Call quality: Is not good as that of Vonage. But it is ok.
    Customer service: Not good

    Contract is the killing part.
    After tax, lingo and vonage prices are about the same.

    If you haven't signed up for the service yet, sign up for vonage.

    Thanks for the update and based on the user gc28262 update that the taxes going to be
    12+ dollars, not at all worthy......

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  • CADude
    09-28 04:32 PM
    Please keep on contacting your congress rep/senator and others. Today FAQ is also out from USCIS. I think, USCIS is started getting some heat and pressure is working. keep it up. :)


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  • kcforgc
    08-21 12:05 PM
    I made a few calls to India (land line) yesterday and saw the int'l charges for those calls. I'll be calling vonage customer service and talk to them. Did anybody else look at their call activity in vonage account????


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  • abuddyz
    01-08 09:55 AM
    Dear Smisachu/ and others:
    I was also planning to go to Kolkata this summer to extend my H1B for another 3 years. Now, I am so scared reading all about the PIMS verification; delay of issuing visas; and returning passports. I am also sacred because I did not apply for any AP because at the time of applying for my 485 my H1B was valid (in fact it is valid till July 08).
    So, what would you guys advise me to do:
    (1) Go to Kolkata (with my 485 receipt notice, original) and return before my
    current H1B expires in July 08? Or, (2) apply for an AP (it is my understanding that AP is rejected by USCIS if someone has a valid H1B)? Please advise. Thanks.

    this is my thinking... number of cases which are getting delays due to this PIMS check should be considerably less when we calculate in terms of percentage... all the persons who are getting passport quickly may not be coming to these forums as they will be busy in their India trip (though there are few people who posted and I salute them). And I guess whose passport get delayed .. most of those must be coming to such forums... so in terms of percentage it might be 10% or less of cases.. so if we decide to go for stamping, there will be risk of passport delay but the probability will be less...

    these are just my thoughts.. no other source of information.


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  • willwin
    09-15 02:47 PM
    Called some and will call the rest by EOD today.

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  • gc_nebraska
    08-12 12:48 PM
    Congrats ! All who got greeened today and also good to PD DEC'05 approvals ...............


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  • anda007
    07-10 11:59 PM
    This is a three page article, but worth the read. Especially, I didn't think it would mention my name -->
    Redemption Maan !!

    Anand Sharma

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  • nixstor
    08-04 07:59 PM

    I agree with you. How ever you have not still updated your profile with DC rally attendance info. Please follow the thread ( here to update your profile.


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  • Macaca
    12-05 05:37 PM
    JUAN GONZALEZ: Lou, I�d just like to ask you one last question. We have very little time left. But you�ve criticized many American companies, but CJR, Columbia Journalism Review, came out with a report in 2004 that questioned that your private newsletter, which goes to investors, has recommended investing in several of these companies that�that you actually list�

    LOU DOBBS: You know what? When I came here, Juan, I knew this would be a lot of fun with you two, but you�re really ridiculous�

    JUAN GONZALEZ: You actually list�

    LOU DOBBS: �because I haven�t had a newsletter for three years, partner. I shut down the newsletter.

    JUAN GONZALEZ: No, but when your newsletter was operating, it was recommending�

    LOU DOBBS: Oh, OK, when it was operating.

    JUAN GONZALEZ: �some of the very companies that you were criticizing for outsourcing.

    LOU DOBBS: This is a very difficult thing for ideologues like you two to contend with�that is, balancing two concepts at the same time. But is there a correlation between investment in companies and a business practice that is absolutely pervasive in corporate America? Can you think of a single corporation in America that is not supporting outsourcing of jobs to overseas labor markets, cheap overseas labor markets?

    AMY GOODMAN: We�re going to have�

    LOU DOBBS: If you can name one�

    AMY GOODMAN: We have five seconds, Lou.

    LOU DOBBS: �then I�ll suggest to you that there was probably a problem with that. If you can�t, then you know that it was utter nonsense, and you shouldn�t have brought it up.

    AMY GOODMAN: Was it part of why you shut it down?

    LOU DOBBS: No, not really.

    AMY GOODMAN: We�re going to leave it there.

    LOU DOBBS: I was bored with it.

    AMY GOODMAN: Lou Dobbs, thank you very much for joining us. His book is Independents Day: Awakening the American Spirit.

    09-27 02:41 PM
    Thanks, this is good information.
    Do you know if WOM can be filed only when the PD is current. After reading this article i feel so.

    07-10 10:08 PM
    This is different from reuters

    A Gift From Gandhi
    Frustrated Green Card Applicants From India Use Methods Of Master

    By Xiyun Yang
    Washington Post Staff Writer
    Wednesday, July 11, 2007; Page D01

    Shyam Bindingnavale had spent years of anguish in pursuit of permanent residency, so when the government offered him an opportunity to apply for it and then abruptly snatched it away, he was furious and deeply disappointed.

    Bindingnavale, 36, a Gaithersburg resident and financial analyst working here on an H1B visa for skilled technical workers, struck back the most effective way he could imagine: He sent flowers to Emilio Gonzalez, the director of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. So did about 200 other green card applicants, most of them professionals, natives of India and working legally in this country.

    Buy This Photo

    About 200 skilled immigrants sent flowers to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. (By Xiyun Yang -- The Washington Post)

    They did it because that's what Gandhi would have done.

    Yesterday, their bouquets of purple roses, pink lilies and yellow daisies, which cost about $40 each and which were sent from all over the country, piled up on the immigration office's loading dock at 20 Massachusetts Ave. NW, addressed to Gonzalez and stacked in columns taller than people.

    The agency forwarded them to soldiers recovering at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

    "We know the reason behind it and understand the symbolism. We donated them in the same spirit in which they were provided to us," said an agency official who spoke on condition of anonymity because of a lawsuit over the matter filed by an advocacy group.

    The idea for the protest began with the Indian immigration community on the online forum Immigration Voice, a site devoted to issues facing skilled, legal workers seeking permanent residence in the United States. Their method was inspired by Mohandas K. Gandhi, who spent years campaigning nonviolently for India's independence from Britain.

    Green card applicants were given hope on June 12, when the State Department posted a bulletin offering H1B visa holders who had been stuck in a bureaucratic logjam an opportunity to take that last step needed to apply for permanent residency.

    Thousands of engineers, doctors and other educated foreigners began a mad scramble to file their applications before the July 2 deadline.

    Vacations were canceled, and lawyers were called in. Elderly parents in far flung corners of the world stood in line for hours to get copies of birth certificates and immunization records.

    Then, on the day of the deadline, the State Department retracted the bulletin. The USCIS, which processes the applications, said it had already met its 140,000-person annual quota for employee sponsored applicants.

    Those who tried to apply were told they had to wait. Some new applications may be considered again starting Oct. 1, but others may have to wait for years. The wait has become even longer after a surge in green card applications, amplified by a provision in 2001 that allowed undocumented immigrants or immigrants who had overstayed their visas to apply for green cards. The problem was exacerbated by the increased FBI security checks required after the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.