Since I’m on the subject of women and tattoos, (Yes, I know there are male nurses, but many more nurses are women…and I’d rather have a sponge bath from a girl, thank you.), I thought I would take on that bastion of false perception, the “Tramp Stamp.”
When you think about all the lies there have been about tattooing in general, “People who have tattoos are all criminals.”, “Tattooed people are all drug users.”, “Only low class people get tattoos.” Etc. Etc. Ad Nausea. It seems amazing to me that a single tattoo, simply because of it’s placement, (Which I personally think looks cool as Hell.), and the gender of the person wearing it should attract some of the most God awful bullshit ever heard.
Personally I like the term Tramp Stamp, but I’m one of those “fuck ‘em if they can’t take a joke, and fuck ‘em if they can’t” types. I think it’s as up there as Cougar, and gays referring to themselves as fag, or any other of the one time derogatory remarks that was used against them. When slurs are used as a term of empowerment instead of a slur, it loses all it’s power to offend and becomes a badge of honor.
What I don’t like are assholes believing all the bullshit that goes with it.
According to the Urban Dictionary, an online dictionary that is about as reliable as Wikipedia when it comes to facts:
“Those chicks with tramp stamps are the kinds of girls you take home to bang. Don’t get into relationships with them because they are often immature gold digging sluts who sleep with everyone. Oh yeah, make sure you use a rubber because you don’t want to end up with chlamydia trachoma (which 1 in 20 women have between the ages of 14-39 according to the center of disease control… probably much higher if they have a tramp stamp considering the scientific coloration [sic] between sluttiness and tramp stamps). Also, if they pop out a baby (which they often do), they may have issues getting epidurals through their tattoos in the lower back.”
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