Tuesday, July 5, 2011

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  • desi3933
    06-18 11:43 AM
    No - I am not suggesting that!!

    Good to know that.

    What I am suggesting is that the right time to take this up is when a recession is not in full swing. Between 2004 (when this law was enacted) and 2007 was a great time to pick this battle. Maybe another year down the line would also be a great time to pick it. Picking up this particular battle right now would probably make YOUR and MY lives much more difficult in the medium term.

    I disagree. By not reporting the fraud at workplace, it puts rest of workforce not at level playing field.

    Like you and the OP - I am a selfish individual. I will pick up only those fights which are in my interest. I believe that this particular fight is a lose-lose proposition in the current climate. I am disputing your (and OPs) belief that this will be beneficial for you/me/rest of us.

    Lets take the example of the same Goldman Sachs manager. Tomorrow ICE comes to him and says you need to get rid of these 50 guys under you. What will he do? He cant increase the budget in the current environment. So he probably will hire a couple of GC holders/Citizens and replaces the whole division (with 50 GC/Citizens besides the 50 'violators') with an offshore team.

    You are right. If you are not impacted by fraud, one will be least interested in reporting the fraud. Only when you get impacted, the fraud appears real and serious.

    To give you example, There are only 3 people on H-1B at my workplace and none on L1 visa status, so no one cares here about this issue.

    BTW - I am a US citizen of Indian origin.

    Think about it!!

    Now is the time when everybody is thinking in terms of cost cutting. If you create costly disruptions now - then either the company becomes GM and lose out to overseas competitors or migrates the entire division out.

    Taking your example further, due to budget constraints, the manager will be more inclined to replace workers to L1 workers to save cost. Do you want this? This will impact people in short term.


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  • it is ok
    08-21 07:50 PM
    Dear All:

    Do we need to dial 011-91-and then Phone Number, or we can simply Dial the number..


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  • newtoearth
    06-16 02:38 PM
    I thought IV works and fights for whole immigrant family..
    But most often I see Hatred on L1, (And Indian Consultants, and Substitution Labors EB1)...
    Are we jealous on every body else except "ME"????
    One lost job because of the company's new outsource policy, and economy...not because of L1...Please realize that

    We will never win this kind of game...For sure every body will loose..

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  • nk2006
    09-09 11:46 AM
    Started calling. Took the numbers from another thread (pasted below). Please confirm if calling these congressmen/women is enough or if we need to call any others. Thanks.

    Call Compaign For HR 5882.

    Number USA is calling congress Rep not to pass HR 5882. Please lets start calling from our side. OR it will create -ve impact and bill will not forward.

    Here is list to call . Once you call please update thread.

    House Judiciary Committee Members

    Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) 202- 225-2906
    Howard L. Berman (D-Calif.) 202-225-4695
    Rick Boucher (D-Va.) 202-225-3861
    Chris Cannon (R-Utah)202- 225-7751
    Steve Chabot (R-Ohio) 202-225-2216
    Howard Coble (R-N.C.) 202-225-3065
    Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.)202- 225-3265
    John Conyers (D-Mich.), Chairman 202-225-5126
    Artur Davis (D-Ala.) 202-225-2665 (ALREADY COSPONSOR DO NOT CALL)
    William D. Delahunt (D-Mass.)202- 225-3111
    Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) 202-225-4755
    Tom Feeney (R-Fla.) 202-225-2706
    J. Randy Forbes (R-Va.)202- 225-6365
    Trent Franks (R-Ariz.)202- 225-4576
    Elton Gallegly (R-Calif.)202- 225-5811
    Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) 202-225-3035
    Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.)202- 225-5431
    Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.)202- 225-8203
    Darrell Issa (R-Calif.)202- 225-3906
    Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-Texas)202- 225-3816 (ALREADY COSPONSOR DO NOT CALL)
    Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) 202-225-1605
    Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) 202-225-2676
    Ric Keller (R-Fla.)202- 225-2176
    Steve King (R-Iowa)202- 225-4426
    Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.)202- 225-3072 (ALREADY COSPONSOR DO NOT CALL)
    Dan Lungren (R-Calif.)202- 225-5716
    Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) 202-225-5635 (ALREADY COSPONSOR DO NOT CALL)
    Mike Pence (R-Ind.) 202-225-3021
    Linda Sanchez (D-Calif.) 202-225-6676 (ALREADY COSPONSOR DO NOT CALL)
    Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.)202- 225-4176
    Robert C. Scott (D-Va.) (202) 225-8351
    Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) 202-225-5101 (ALREADY COSPONSOR DO NOT CALL)
    Brad Sherman (D-Calif.) 202-225-5911
    Lamar S. Smith (R-Texas), Ranking Member 202- 225-4236
    Betty Sutton (D-Ohio) 202-225-3401
    Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) 202-225-7931
    Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) 202-225-2201
    Melvin L. Watt (D-N.C.)202- 225-1510 (ALREADY COSPONSOR DO NOT CALL)
    Anthony D. Weiner (D-N.Y.) 202-225-6616
    Robert Wexler (D-Fla.) 202-225-3001


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  • l1fraud
    06-15 10:56 PM
    No we are discussing YOUR jobs loss due to L1 misuse. You were sleeping until it hit you and now you suddenly want sympathy. BTW, I feel sorry for you that any guy from India can come and do your job. Most guys who come on L1 are freshers with not much skills. Thats what is needed for the job then.

    First of all I don't need your sympathy I am here to get some info regarding how to complain about L-1B violation (hope you read thru the entire discussion), second even if you think that I was 'sleeping' ... don't worry we are awake now and we are making sure that these violators are getting their share of attention from authorities.. we have a solid case (atleast the special investigator from ICE thinks so!), rest we'll leave to the concerned agencies (ICE/USCIS) ... I don't mind whether the guy is young or old if his visa is not eligible to do the work.. he is violating the law and will end up in trouble, period.

    * All the positive things you talked abt outsourcing/TCS/Wipro can be achieved without violating any laws, unfortunately these companies are greedy enof to go any extend and violate the laws for achieving their quarterly/yearly targets.

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  • snathan
    09-09 06:10 PM
    Just called Howard L. Berman's office and staff told me he is supporting the bill.


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  • Devils_Advocate
    03-10 09:27 AM
    I strongly support this thread and the message. Lets make an action plan how to pursue this.

    Devils_Advocate: I know your type. But you must also understand that unless the line in front of you is cleared, you and I will go down the drain. You are talking about EAD. I dont even have that, yet I support this.
    Your thinking appears narrow minded. Wake up.

    Dont give me that BS ok, if you know my type then i know your "type" as well. FYI i dont have an EAD as yet either, and Mr YOU need to wake up, if you actually think US Govt will skip your full GC step and give you citizenship in this environment where they are deporting valid H1B holders from the POE then my friend you are nothing less than insane, nobody gives a sh*t about us right now, if you're so over your head and fail to realize that then go ahead i wish you all the best.

    I sincerely request you to promise us that you will stand for public office when they give you your "expedited citizenship" and change some rules for the benefit of all of us.:)

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  • EB2DEC152005
    08-12 02:19 PM

    I saw some posts from user appas123, I need some help filling out 7001 form. If you do not mind please call me on my cell 2482275390. It would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.


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  • ashres11
    09-25 12:19 PM
    I checked my I-140 copy there is no A no. at all.

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  • paskal
    06-25 09:01 AM
    if she applied for H1B the first package the lawyer sumitted should have copies of her I-20 and EAD. Look through the package you may find a copy in it.

    she didn't apply for an H1B unfortunately
    went from OPT to J-2- which was stamped in Delhi
    and then to H4 briefly (attorney was involved- wonder if we made a copy- good point)
    and then back to F-1 which is the current status.....


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  • mamit
    02-09 12:29 AM
    hi mamit, is this yourfirst time H1B or renewal..and are you doing anything to help this situation ?? like calling what nymbers ?? and did they tell you it was TAL and were you told why the delay is ??

    This is my first H1-B visa. I was in USA on an F-1 before that. To be honest, I was thinking that it'd take about 7-8 weeks for this matter to solve as I was also told numerous times when I talked over the phone with Delhi consulate people. Saw this forum yesterday, and had no idea that the system in US would be this ridiculous. And no they didn't tell me it was TAL, they only said "administrative processing" and gave me a pink slip. I did call the National Visa Center in USA yesterday, but my prepaid phone died before I could get any relevant information. Will call them again soon and will post here about it. So during this whole time, I was only calling Delhi consulate and checking status online at Delhi consulate's website. Now when I read all these posts about delays here, I am a little afraid now. One my friend in US told me to talk to my boss (in US) and have him call local senator/congressman write a letter to DOS. Has anyone ever heard of such thing or done anything like this? Is is a good idea?

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  • smitha
    07-09 09:37 PM
    Nice! So what you're saying is that this creative form of protest is a waste of time, even though Mr. Gonzalez responded to it? And we shouldn't indulge in creatively letting our heart-felt feelings known to a step that can be termed as nothing but injustice, and unfair to all uncocerned.

    - Injustice to the hard-working USCIS folks who had to work the weekend before the 4th of July week... (frankly, not the fault of USCIS rank and file, they have our collective sympathies and certainly mine)
    - Injustice perhaps to Dept of State and Ms. Condi Rice who had to answer the ridiculous questions when DoS was going about its work as normal, or so it seems
    - Injustice to all of us waiting in line of course, for having been given the glimmer of hope of being able to file for an AOS (frankly, a lot of us don't care as much about the eventual approval of I-485 as we do about the ability to file for it when the visa bulletin was announced as current... it's about getting done with the last step, and most importantly being able to get the interim benefits of EADs particularly for our spouses, AP to travel freely, and most importantly the benefits of AC21 portability... ).

    Yes, that's an option - suggested by your inaction - do nothing, and take what you get.

    Or we can let the world know about this injustice, and hope for a fair hearing on the issue (rather than having it ignored completely), by at least getting a shot at getting the ability to file pursuant to the original July visa bulletin.

    Perhaps you were'nt on the same roller coaster ride we were put through these past few weeks since June 13th, or perhaps you don't care enough.

    Either way, it doesn't make sense to dissuade the majority from pursuing their creative forms of protest - at least for Mr. M. K. Gandhi's sake and ideals.... :)

    Even if we're asked to pay the higher filing fees that would come into effect on June 30th (which is what this was all about anyways, as it seems... ), it will a good solution for a lot of us. USCIS accepting the applications as they've been filed with current filing fees would be golden...

    Dude, where's my EAD + AP + AC21 portability? :)


    This is just a message to 2005/2006/2007 PD guys. Please don't think that some miracle will happen and dates will be current soon, it will take its own time. Mostly for EB2 & EB3June 2006- June 2007 guys, it will be like a lottery if the PD becomes current somewhere in 2007 Oct-Nov time. Right??
    So life is not always easy. There are people waiting since 2002-03-04.
    Don't think that life is not a FIFO always.

    Why some of the guys became violent when I said, INDIA IS GREAT???
    Guys.. do you know why I always feel like this???

    As my parents,in laws and most of my relatives stay there. Not only mine, allmost all guys who are in the IV, they must have parents and relatives in India for sure. There is no other reason why I said India is great.

    Someone asked me to pack up... YES, I will if nothing happens;however, I will be waiting to see the progress for sure. This is July. Let's have a look over OCT bulletin after 2 months and for sure dates will move atleast 4-6 months for EB2 guys and 1 year for EB3 guys. So wait, be patient, instead of doing all this.
    Anyway, our turn will come sooner or later, so why to become impatient just seeing the JULY bulletin CURRENT and then "U".

    Mainly this is the message for 2005-2006-2007 PD guys. Please don't take it otherwise.


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  • Foster2007
    07-16 02:09 AM
    Can he be sued for repeatedly misreporting facts?

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  • pappu
    01-08 03:36 PM
    Multiple-Year Single EAD-AP Card Reportedly Limited to Visa Regrogression 485 Filers

    Some more details have been released on Mr. Aytes' statement on this plan. Reportedly, such multiple year card may be issued only to those who suffer the visa number retrogression. In other words, those 485 filers who will experience delays in 485 applications who do not suffer from the visa number retrogression but from the USCIS delays including namechecks are not likely to benefit from the upcoming multi-year card issuance.

    I posted about this here


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  • JazzByTheBay
    07-09 08:08 PM
    We need media, print media. Talk shows, ?.? dont know.

    No publicity is bad publicity... and I doubt the talk show hosts would poke fun at us for this creative form of protest.


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  • sanju_dba
    10-02 04:13 PM
    Got a letter for My wife's case, from USCIS asking for "to complete vaccination" , need to provide them in 30days else denial .
    Whats going on?


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  • appas123
    08-16 12:33 PM
    Gurus and "New" Permanent Residents,
    Did any one send a streamline email to NSC and did any get a better response then the "automatic script" response that you get from NSC?

    If you did get a positive response then can you share on what exactly you had in the content of the email?

    As far as my knowledge goes, there is no streamline email for NSC. We did send emails to NSCSfollowup and SCOPPSCAT .. and got standard script response for both.

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  • gctest
    08-21 01:57 PM
    Read the visa bulletin for the past 3 months.

    and thanks for the red dot. .. I am in indian .. so a red dot really goes on me :)

    Do you have any link for that apology from DOS? Any doc to support that?

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  • RDB
    11-25 06:18 PM
    Yup, that was my point - both are greedy :) no point blaming any 1 party. And agree with you that foreclosure is only an option if you 'really' can't pay your monthly dues and that too for a sustained period of time - if one has the money to pay the monthly mortgage, one should continue to pay it off even if the asset value as plummeted to rock bottom because that is what you have singed in for - the amount of loan you took out to buy that house. No excuse from that!

    Foreclosing just because you can't make short term profit on it is simply in-excusable.

    your argument is weak. You used these 'extravagant loans' knowing that they are extravagant and then signed on the dotted line and now you are backing off saying 'sorry, you gave me a loan on something I wanted and thought what it is worth and it is no more. So take it back'. If you 'have the money now' then pay by all means and don't end the contract that you signed.
    I agree banks were greedy. So is punjabi.

    And all the argument about returning used goods is no comparison. The bill says that you can return it in a month. Foreclosure is a provision to help people is serious trouble. It is trying to be sympathetic and nice to people who are in pain. It is not something one is entitled to because he couldn't make a profit. :mad:

    07-09 06:52 PM
    What you guys are talking about ... Walter reed is the best place for the flowers to go, with all what is going on in there ... the media will eat this news . DO not Cancel whatever you Do do not cancel instead call the media and let them know........... This is even better.

    Can we do a blood drive next as protest! seriously. Donate blood as protest and for media attention.

    10-29 11:45 AM